Red Book (650-RICR-20-00-1)


My Page Title

1.1Authorities and Purpose, Definitions and Procedures

1.2Areas Under Council Jurisdiction

1.3Activities Under Council Jurisdiction

1.4Federal Consistency

1.5Public and Governmental Participation

1.6Maps of Water Use Categories - Watch Hill to Little Compton and Block Island



96 - A straight line from the tip of Gull Point running generally south-southwesterly, to the boundary between state and private lands on Prudence Neck. (The water use classification boundary around the north end of Prudence Island and Patience Island follows the eighteen (18) foot bathymetric contour line. This is consistent with the boundary of the area protected by provisions of the federal Estuarine Sanctuary Program.)

97 – A line perpendicular to the shore from the southern side of the rocky extension north of Prudence Park.

98 – A line from the outlet of a small, westerly flowing stream south of Prudence Park and north of Crow’s Swamp.

99 – A straight line extension of the boundary between public state park lands and privately owned lands.

100 – The outlet of Mill Creek.

101 – A line extending northerly from the northern tip of Hog Island.

102 – A straight line extending easterly from a point fifty (50) feet north of the edge of the adjacent marsh.

103 - A straight line extending northerly from the boundary of Lots 8 and 9, Town Map 17.

104 - A line connecting the westernmost points of land bordering the entrance into the Bend Boat Basin.

105 - A line connecting to the southernmost border of line 104 and extending westerly fifty (50) feet from shore; thence generally southerly, maintaining a fifty (50) foot distance from shore and the outer perimeter of the wharves and piers of the Melville industrial facility; thence easterly to connect land at a point fifty (50) feet south of the southernmost pier.

106 - A straight line extension of Robin Road.

107 - A straight line connecting the north sides of the abutments of the former Old Stone Bridge.

108 - A straight line along the west side of the bridge connecting Point Road and Hummock Avenue at the entrance to Blue Bill Cove.

109 - A straight line from the southern border of the industrially zoned area in Tiverton to the tip of the peninsula on the north side of Brewer's Marina in Portsmouth.

1.Online Maps:;; and





110 - The northern border of the rubble-mound breakwater.

111 - A line extending out to meet the tip of the rubble-mound breakwater from the northernmost tip of Coddington Point.

131 - A straight line across the entrance to the Sakonnet River from the tip of Sachuest Point to the southern tip of West Island near Sakonnet Point.

1.Online Map:



111 - A line extending out to meet the tip of the rubble-mound breakwater from the northernmost tip of Coddington Point.

112 - A line bordering the southernmost side of the northern bridge connecting Coaster's Harbor Island to Aquidneck Island.

113 - A line bordering the northern side of the bridge on Training Station Road which connects Coaster's Harbor Island to Aquidneck Island.

114 - A straight line extending from the southern tip of Coaster's Harbor Island to a point where it meets with a straight-line extension of an unnamed road.

115 - A line along the southern side of the Newport Bridge

116 - A line along the northern side of the causeway to Goat Island

117 - A straight line commencing in the southeast corner of Newport Harbor, running generally northwesterly through the so-called "Spindle marker," to the point where it meets the edge of the federally established and maintained anchorage area, then generally northerly along the eastern side of the anchorage area, thence westerly to the southern boundary of the Port of Call Marina on Goat Island.

118 - A line along the western side of the breakwater near Ida Lewis Rock.

119 - A straight line extension from shore along the western side of the pier.

120 - A straight line extension from shore along the southern side of the state-owned boat launching ramp.

121 - A straight line extension from the northeastern tip of the Fort Adams anchorage basin easterly to the southern light on Goat Island.

1.Online Map:



122 - A straight line from shore along the southern side of the docking area at Fort Cove.

123 - A line bordering the southern side of the Newport Bridge.

124 - A straight line extension from the southern side of Weeden Lane.

125 - A straight line from the southern end of Maple Avenue to the end of the large wharf at Beaverhead.

126 - A straight line from Southwest Point to the tip of Shore Point.

1.Straight line extending seaward perpendicular to the shore at the southern-most boundary of Jamestown Estates Conservation Area (from point at approximately 156,752N, 358,389E RIspf83 to a point at approximately 156,753N/357,601E RIspf83), and a straight line extending perpendicular to the shore at the northernmost boundary of Watson Farm (from approximately 153,357N/361,079E to 153,349N/360,266E RIspf83). The waters within the polygon formed by these lines and bounded by the Jamestown shoreline to the east and the Type 4 waters boundary to the west are Type 1. (Approved by the Council January 22, 2008)

2.Online Maps: and




107 - A straight line connecting the north sides of the abutments of the former Old Stone Bridge.

109 - A straight line from the southern border of the industrially zoned area in Tiverton to the tip of the peninsula on the north side of Brewer's Marina in Portsmouth.

127 - A straight line extension of the northern boundary of land now or formally known as Charter Oil to its intersection with the existing Type 4 Water Designation.

128 - A straight line along the south side of the Nannaquaket Pond Bridge.

129 - A straight line extension of the south side of Island View Road.

130 - A straight line at the north side of the Nonquit Pond Dam.

1.Online Maps: and



X.Little Compton

131 - A straight line across the entrance to the Sakonnet River from the tip of Sachuest Point to the southern tip of West Island near Sakonnet Point.

1.Sakonnet Harbor

132 - The water area immediately adjacent to the barrier beach, starting at Point A (the northeast edge of Lot 385 where the eastern boundary of the barrier beach, identified by Dr. Boothroyd, intersects with the shore) then extending toward the western shore boundary of the barrier beach designated by Dr. Boothroyd to Point B (where a line drawn in a northerly direction as an extension of the eastern boundary of Lot 429 forms an intersect) are designated as Type 2. The remainder of the water area in Sakonnet Harbor are designated Type 5.

2.Online Maps:;; and




Y.Block Island (New Shoreham)

133 - Straight line extensions of the outsides of each of the two (2) jetties at the breachway entrance to Great Salt Pond.

134 - A straight line starting from the point of land on the northeast side of the Great Salt Pond breachway and running generally southeasterly to Harris (Breezy) Point.

135 - A straight line starting at Harris (Breezy) Point and running generally southwesterly to Can Buoy #5.

136 - A straight line southwesterly extension of the west jetty at the breachway entrance to Great Salt Pond which joins with the seaward limit of a straight line (five hundred (500) feet) extension of the boundary between the commercial/low residential zone area west of Champlin's Dock, thence turning generally easterly and running to Can Buoy #5, then turning generally south-southeasterly and running to the point of land on the eastern shore of the channel to Trim's Pond, thence turning ninety (90) degrees and running west to land on the western side of the Trim's Pond Channel.

137 - A line along the outside of the west breakwater.

138 - A line along the outside of the east breakwater.

139 - A straight line starting at the boundary of lots 64-1 and 65 and running generally southeasterly to terminate at the northern boundary of lots 103 and 104.

1.Online Map:


1.7Shoreline Change Maps - Watch Hill to Little Compton and Block Island

1.8Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) Maps

Title 650 Coastal Resources Management Council
Chapter 20 Coastal Management Program
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 1 Red Book (650-RICR-20-00-1)
Type of Filing Periodic Refile
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 01/04/2022 to 01/04/2022

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-23 et seq.
Coastal Zone Management Act 16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 through 1464

Purpose and Reason:

This rule is being refiled by the agency pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-35-4.1. No changes were made to the text of this rule.